Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Concerning 72-hour Transit Visa
Exemption for Foreign Nationals
1、 符合哪些条件的外国人可以申请在北京、上海口岸72小时免签过境?
What requirements foreign nationals have to meet to apply for the 72-hour transit visa exemption at ports of entry in
Answer: There are 3 requirements: 1) Citizens from the 45 countries under the 72-hour Transit Visa Exemption Program; 2) Foreign nationals with valid international traveling documents and air ticket for a connecting flight with confirmed date of flight and seat for a third country (region) traveling within 72 hours; 3) Transit passengers from the Capital Airport of Beijing or Pudong or Hongqiao Airports of Shanghai for a third country (region).
2、 哪些国家旅客可以申请72小时免签过境?这些国家是如何选定的?
Travelers from what countries may apply for the 72-hour transit visa exemption? How are the countries chosen?
Answer: Travelers from the 45 countries may apply for the 72-hour transit visa exemption, which are: 1) 24 Schengen countries in Europe: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherland, Poland, Portugal, Slovak, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. 2) 7 other European countries:
3、 符合72小时过境免签条件的外国人,如何申请过境?
How can a foreign national that meets the requirements for the 72-hour transit visa exemption apply for it?
Answer: A foreign national that meets the requirements may submit his/her request to the airline company that carries him/her to Beijing or Shanghai, which shall make the application to the border control authorities of the Beijing or Shanghai airports that shall grant a temporary entry of a passenger meeting the requirements for transit visa exemption upon verification.
4、 如果入境时没有买好出境的机票,计划先入境后再买72小时内离境前往第三国的机票,是否可申请72小时过境免签?
Can a traveler apply for the 72-hour transit visa exemption when no exit air ticket is bought at the time of entry but he or she plans to purchase the air ticket for a third country leaving within 72 hours after entry?
Answer: According to the requirements, a foreign national applying for the 72-hour transit visa exemption must hold the air ticket for a connecting flight with confirmed date of flight and seat, i.e., the exit air ticket is already in place before entry. Therefore, this facilitation measure does not apply to a foreign national that does not have a confirmed air ticket for a connecting flight leaving within 72 hours.
5、 从某一国家(地区)来北京或上海,已订妥确定日期和座位的72小时内返回其来自国(地区)的机票,是否可以适用此政策?
Does this measure apply to a foreign national coming to
Answer: According to the requirements, the 72-hour transit visa exemption measure is for a foreign national passing through
6、 外国人办理72小时过境免签手续入境后,是否可以离开北京或者上海前往中国其他城市?外国人办理72小时过境免签手续入境后因特殊原因无法在72小时内及时离境,该怎么办?
Can a foreign national leave
Answer: A foreign national with the 72-hour transit visa exemption may not leave the administrative precincts of
A foreign national having the 72-hour transit visa exemption should leave
In case a foreign national fails to apply for the required visa, he or she shall be dealt with in accordance with the law for illegal residence in
7、 外国人在北京首都机场办理72小时过境免签手续入境后,可否申请从上海空港口岸出境?
In case a foreign national has entered
Answer: A foreign national with the 72-hour transit visa exemption is not allowed to leave the city where the stopover is permitted. Therefore, a foreign national obtaining the 72-hour transit visa exemption at the Capital Airport of Beijing shall leave
8、 可否乘火车从北京西客站入境再于72小时内乘飞机出境?
Can a passenger enter
Answer: This measure is currently available only at the airports of
9、 如果我对此项政策还有疑问,我该如何咨询?
In case I have more questions concerning this measure, how can I ask for an answer?
Answer: You may make an inquiry with the border control authorities of the ports of entry in
Will the 48-hour transit visa exemption by the
Answer: The 48-hour transit visa exemption for certain foreign nationals by the